A fair international government is needed.  


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28/04/2017 2:57 pm  

The politics of the 21st century is not only complicated, but it has become a tool to rather disintegrate communities in one way or another. Politics could be used for the betterment of a nation, but it could also be used for making conditions worse. I believe there should be a fair international government like UN, but not like UN too. It should be fair and just in all the different aspects and spheres of governance.






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30/04/2017 10:02 pm  

To be honest, I have never been a great fan of the United Nations. Its great flaw is that it has become effectively a social club for diplomats with no real teeth to fulfill its original purpose of enabling world peace. I'd be open to a convincing argument on why a world government without the United Nation's flaws would be desirable and/or practical though.

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01/05/2017 7:26 pm  

UN is not doing what it was supposed to do, truly it has become just a social club for diplomats. But we do need a fair International government to enable world's peace.

It's really depressing what's going on in our world. Innocent people are being killed but there isn't any government or organisation that can end these cruel actions.

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09/05/2017 4:41 pm  

It's really depressing what's going on in our world. Innocent people are being killed but there isn't any government or organisation that can end these cruel actions.

Human rights organizations and Amnesty International do what they can, but they don't have any power to speak of.

I like the whole idea behind the United Nations, it's just that over time, its purpose seems to have changed and it almost feels like royalty in countries that have a monarchy. They're there, but it's a bit for show, when push comes to shove.

With Amnesty International being a well respected, well established organization, it should be given much more power to act. They could make more of a difference than the United Nations could (or shall I say "would")

We need an organization that can be fair, where the leaders don't make a ton of money for doing nothing, an organization that's respected and has authority throughout the world, etc... The United Nations was - and still is- a good idea, but it's like getting a car with a missing wheel or something. Something is missing there, and as long as that gap is not filled in, it is not going to work the way it was intended to work.

We are far away from an international government because the ones we have love their power more than they love justice and peace. We can keep dreaming, however.


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